We went to
Portrait Innovations this morning. I think overall we ended up with great pictures for a great price. I would love, love, love to go to a professional photographer who practices more of a photojournalism approach, but I am just not quite ready to memorialize my post-baby shape with several hundred dollars worth of proof.
I always take pictures of my babies at four months, so we needed to take Benjamin in and since the kids didn't have official "school" pictures this year, I decided this would be our best route.
These pic's came from the CD and have not been edited the way my actual pictures have, so excuse the imperfections and lack of cropping. I loved being able to choose from the 175 pictures that were taken today AND I hated being able to choose from the 175 pictures that were taken today.
If you know me, then you know that the sticker aisle at Michaels can send me into a tailspin so trying to narrow down these pictures made me sweat profusely. My girls were invaluable during this process!
We'll start with the baby, who of course.....stole the show!
This is Benjamin's standard expression. Every single day. All day long.
Here we have a little Fred Rogers going on....
And obviously the caption for this pic would be, "Hey, baby...come here often?"
I threw this one in to see if you noticed the slight resemblance? This is Samuel!
Ah. The classic family photograph.
I am going to kick humbleness to the curb and venture to say that I think I deserve a round of applause right here. There are four children who are smiling AT THE SAME TIME! It was during this round of pictures that I started to morph into the squawking, squealing, chirping, jumping, twirling, hooting, clicking, jabbing,
yelling encouraging mother with a primal need to have all four children smiling. Whatever the cost.
Including her pride.
I stopped short of hanging from the rafters but I had my shoes off....just in case.
Baseball Pictures
She took some of him with his glove and also his back with his name on his jersey & on the back of his hat. She took the three photos and created this precious montage but it isn't on the CD.
Trust me. It's precious.
I was so tickled with these because Sam missed his team pictures during his bout with mono.
Emma Cathryn - 5th grade
Samuel Christopher - Five Years Old
The youngish photographer was
joking around with the girls trying to make suggestions about how to pose for the pictures and said something along the lines of, "you can jump up in the air if you want!"
Lady. You are speaking Sammer's language now.