Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How I became a blogger...

How did you start blogging?

My friend Tiffany (Flying Freckle) said..."read this blog". I did. Then she said....."you should get a blog". But I thought it was weird so I did not. I talked about it with some friends (Lurker) and they (just she) said it was weird. Then I talked about it with Chris and he said it was weird too. Then one day when I was feeling very very weird....I started my blog. Some people in my circle still think it is very weird but Chris and the Lurker have warmed up a bit.

Did you intend to be a blog with a following? If so, how did you go about it?

No. I did not even know that blogs *had* followings. I know there are ways to generate traffic but I do not enlist such methods. Too much pressure. I care too much about what other people think. The last thing I need is people pounding at my blog doorstep looking for my post.

I have underwears to wash.

What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals?

I guess if I actually set out to accomplish something with my blog it would be to chronicle our life a bit and have some sense of memory capturing since I don't scrapbook or journal very well. As a byproduct of that desire I found that writing has been a wonderfully cathartic way to express my thoughts. If I could somehow glorify God through that process of sharing His grace in my life and exposing the Word as the only absolute truth on this earth than that would be an achievement. Only He could say if I were successful in that.

Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How?

Not so much. I do think I have been more bold at times when speaking about convictions or beliefs but I still hope to point to Him through those expressions.

What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you started?

Nothing really. I have enjoyed the process of "finding my way".

Do you make money with your blog?

Again with the pressure. To me, making money with my blog would be like being paid to eat donuts. It would be a very bad relationship and the motive would be all wrong. The donuts would know that the love was gone and I was just looking for the dolla'. Not pretty. Honestly, I would feel too pressured and my posts would be a bit tainted. That's just me folks. I read other people's blogs who I think should be paid a pretty penny because their thoughts are just out of this world and I would have paid cash money for that kind of therapy :)

Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why?

Yes, some do know about it and some read it. I suppose if they know about it and don't read it, then they probably hate me....or else they just don't read blogs. I am insecure, so I would lean towards the "they hate me" theory.

What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?

1.) Don't put *everybody* in your "links". In my opinion it is much easier to add someones blog than it is to remove someone. Just when you think you have found someone like-minded, they could publish a post that is polar opposite of your convictions and beliefs. While I think it is perfectly fine to read blogs and gather insight from people who are different I feel that is something more when you are referring others to that same blog and it quietly infers that you agree with that blogger on some level. Just my opinion :)

2.) I agree with Leslie on this one. Don't write for man's approval. Don't question the posts that are in complete alignment with the Word. Write with a conviction to stay true not just to you and your family but to God and his commandments. The only following I could condone would be behind Jesus Christ and in that....I am just one of the followers.

If you go to Chilihead's website you can read about your favorite bloggers and their blogging saga. I'm sure it involves a great deal more ambition than what you will find here, but hey people.....I'm just keepin' it rill.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you started blogging. And I (for one) was pounding at your blog doorstep the last week waiting for my next "have mercy" post. You and Sammer always make me laugh. I don't mean to pressure you, I'm just sayin' I heart you. :) You're just so genuine and your passion for God and His truth are contagious.

Kim said...

I enjoyed reading this! I agree with your tips. Those are some of the things I appreciate the most about your blog. I'm glad we have met through are a very funny girl and you make me laugh everytime I read-I'm not kidding.

I love all the things we have in common,too!


Jill said...

I'm so glad you started blogging. I enjoy coming to your blog and knowing that what I read will not only give me chuckle but will inspire me, challenge me and affirm my faith. You have a real gift.
Sorry I don't leave comments very much, its been crazy around here with the two year sick like crazy.
Finally we are taking those nasty tonsils out in July!!
Keep writting, I'll be reading.
Jill from Omaha

Anonymous said...

And I am one of the "family" that knows and loves you and checks everyday to see what's going on in your world
Hugs & kisses

Kim said...

Sweet words from sweet friends! What a blessing blogging has become.


Pardon me, while I go check for flying donkeys in my backyard :)