Monday, May 02, 2011

Guess what? My kids are growing up.

Finally framed our school pics from this year ... and yes I have had them for approximately 5 months.

But I did it!

I keep the old pics behind the new ones in the same frame because I think it's a good place to keep them.
And because I am too lazy and unorganized to find another place to keep them.
And I like to pull them out each year and torture myself with the ridiculous rate of growing that they do each year.

Here. Have fun torturing yourself too ;)

He's about 18 months old in the middle pic.
It was right about here that he began to woo the ladies in this family.
It's been a downhill slippery slope ever since ;)

I remember the far left pic like it was yesterday. He was only 3.
When they handed it to me I started to cry because he looked so old.
I did that today too.

I thought my baby girl was so big in the first pic (far left).
What did I know?

I thought she was my last baby girl ;)
And again ...

What did I know?


Anonymous said...

Blessed to watch them grow, in person and in print. Love you! L

Lisa Spence said...

Love your pictorials! My kids are growing up as fast as yours, if not faster! My oldest will be a SENIOR; how can these things be? I never thought I'd be one of THOSE moms but guess what? I am...

Wendy said...

Great pictures!!