Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Hannah! (again already?)

Apparently, while I have been busy trying to finish one measly post and spin the plates of life, my daughter has had the audacity to turn 14.

The nerve.

It has also become apparent that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

So in an effort to be a good sport, today we will celebrate ...

A celebration of 14 years of motherhood (me! Can you believe it! 14 years!).

A celebration of Hannah's 14 years of life, where she has grown into a precious young lady that has shown a genuine love for God and His Word. She has also grown into a size 8 1/2 shoe and can consume six donuts and/or an entire pizza at one sitting.

Enjoy your days of that mock-speed metabolism, sister. They are fleeting.

We have a special evening planned for Hannah that I will write about this weekend (it's a surprise!). Samuel was pretty sure that if the surprise did not include inflatable jump houses, it would be a real flop.

We'll see what Hannah says ;)

I started this journey of motherhood with a great deal of joy but an even greater level of fear. At each crossroads I have been graciously met by the Lord and given such an abundant provision of wisdom to make the right choices as her mother.

Often, I have neglected that provision and opted for my very own foolproof and much easier method of self-sufficiency ... AKA: I royally messed up.

And even then, I was met with another heaping dose of grace. If there is anything that 14 years has given me, it is the precious hindsight that comes with making daily history (this too shall pass) and also, the necessary reminder that I need a Savior. Being brought to my knees and lifting empty hands before God in desperation over my own sin and inadequacies as her momma

... Well, I can't think of a better reason to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Big Girl. I thought being made a mother 14 years ago was the greatest thing about your birth. Holding you as a new creation in our lives and holding our breath in awe of His workmanship still marks my memory in a fresh and vivid way.

But God was creating new life in more than one way. We have so many reasons to be grateful. I will always count your birth as the beginning of mine.

Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless
one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." -John 3:3


Jenn said...

Love that picture!!

Anonymous said...

Blessed baby, blessed momma.

Happy Birthday Hannah, I praise God for your life and your presence in Ellen's.
Love you, Mrs. Ferguson

Lisa Spence said...

Happy birthday to your girl! My husband's stepmom calls me on my oldest son's birthday to wish ME happy "becoming a mom" day--so happy "becoming a mom" day to you as well! Nothing like motherhood to make you realize your need of a Savior...daily...I totally get that. And the heaping dose of grace? Get that too!

Lydia said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful words. I agree with Lisa...nothing like your kids to show you how much you need God! My lodest will be 7 next week- WAAAAAAAHHHH:(

Lydia said...

and by lodest, I meant OLDEST, not loudest:)

My word verification is maushi- Sushi sold on Maui.

Anonymous said...

I will always count your birth as the beginning of this phrase!

Happy Birthday to the first little girl that I fell in love with like my own! You are such a blessing to so many sweet Hannah...can't wait to hear how your birthday went!

Love you dearly!
