Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More To Think About

5 Reasons I am thankful during Obama's Inauguration

HT: Leslie at Lux Venit

A Prayer for President Obama - Al Mohler

Being Pro-life Christians Under a Pro-Choice President - John Piper


Jill said...

Wow. What a powerful video.
I was a little out of sorts yesterday watching all the hype. It's hard to think about the future and what will become of all the ground we've made on issues I hold dear.
Think I'll be praying like crazy these next four years for our country. Not such a bad thing!

Lydia said...

...enjoying catching up on all your recent blog posts. It's amazing how much we have in common:) The snow yesterday (the snow you DIDN'T get) helped take my mind off the inaugeration. Thanks for your sacntity of life post- people just don't know.